MassiveBlack_精美艺术绘画(Andrew Jones Fine

dashu 2018-04-13 2424次浏览 42条评论 0 给作者打赏国币 0 0
[attach]4769[/attach][attach]4764[/attach][attach]4765[/attach][attach]4768[/attach][attach]4766[/attach] 内容介绍: One of the things that distinguishes A...
[attach]4769[/attach][attach]4764[/attach][attach]4765[/attach][attach]4768[/attach][attach]4766[/attach] 内容介绍: One of the things that distinguishes Andrew Jones from other artists is that he does a lot of his artwork before a crowd in a live setting. There are no revisions, no second takes. In this video, covering three separate works, Andrew talks about the moment-to-moment state of awareness that helps faciliate this type of approach. He also discusses a few of his favorite tools in Corel Painter X and how he uses them. This is a must-have for anyone interested in some of the philosophical underpinnings of one of today's leading visionary artists. 下载地址: 360: [hide] 访问密码 7a33[/hide] 百度: [hide]链接:[url][/url] 密码:rf12[/hide]

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